========================================================== = = = EZDATA = = = = Copyright Leigh Business Enterprises Ltd. = = 100444.623@compuserve.com = = = ========================================================== "The fastest way to create your next VB database application" ========================================================== CONTENTS ========================================================== Introduction Files in the Demo Features Using EZDATA Registering Distributing Applications built with EZDATA Description of forms/modules Disclaimer Advertisement ========================================================== INTRODUCTION ========================================================== This is a complete MDI Application 'skeleton' with an easy to implement tabbed data editor which will help you to get your next project off the ground even quicker. It's called EzData because it has been designed to make the management of most data tables to be straightforward. Just call the EditDbase function with the name of the table that you want your users to maintain and everything is done for you. Users can search for particular data (using partial strings if required) and the records which matches their search parameters are clearly displayed in a listbox - making it easy to select and view the required one. Our code manages the creation of the search dialog and the display of the data. It also manages all updates when the user makes changes, adds or deletes records AND allows hooks to your own validation routine before saving. For a full description see the section entitled "Description of forms/modules". Best of all - you get the source code. So you can adapt our routines to exactly match your requirements. The source code is well structured and there are plenty of comments to guide you through. If you need more information or have a query then we are very happy to take questions from registered users. ========================================================== FILES IN THE DEMO ========================================================== The demo consists of the following files: ezdata.exe - the demo toolbar.bmp - the bitmap for the toolbar icons readme.txt - this text code.zip - the encrypted zip file containing the source code Demo.mdb - the sample database When you register we will send you the password and instructions needed to unlock all the forms and code that make up this demo. ========================================================== FEATURES ========================================================== * Single command to edit/add/delete/search database records * Selection of application database. * Compact/Repair of database. * Helptips' on toolbar items (optional). * Support for Help files. * MDI child forms tiling etc. * Comprehensive error trapping and reporting * 'Nag' screen support for shareware authors. * Support for 3D dialogs (switched off in design mode to prevent GPFs) * Memorise window position and size. ========================================================== USING EZDATA ========================================================== You need VB Pro to use EZDATA, although it could be modified to run under the standard edition. Create your project directory, copy all the files supplied into that directory and rename ezdata.mak to your new project name. You will need to set up some information in APP.BAS (app name etc.), particularly in SetAppInfo(). You will also need to add your own application specific code in APP.BAS. Alternatively you could add fEdDbase.frm, Database.bas, Error.bas, fDummy.frm, ListBox.bas, PerfTab.bas, String.bas, fValidat.frm and System.bas to your existing project. ========================================================== REGISTERING ========================================================== Registration costs just US$12. When you register you get the password to unlock the complete source code. The simplest way to register is to do it on-line via SWREG by typing GO SWREG. Select "Register", then select "Registration ID" and quote Program Id 6337. Your account will be debited the registration fee. As soon as CompuServe notifies us of your registration we will e-mail you the password and further instructions. ========================================================== DISTRIBUTING APPLICATIONS BUILT USING EZDATA ========================================================== As a registered user there is no restriction on you distributing executable programs which have been built using this source code. This application incorporates some ideas/code from other programmers if they have not placed a limitation on their distribution. These are acknowledged where appropriate. Distribution of source code is a difficult point. We would frown upon widespread distribution of the source code for profit by others. However we recognise that some users will need to distribute the source code of a bespoke application and would not wish to limit you in such a case. We hope that you will find it useful. If you wish to discuss it then please e-mail us on Compuserve 100444,623. ========================================================== DESCRIPTION OF FORMS/MODULES ========================================================== MDIMAIN.FRM The main application mdi form. APP.BAS This file should be used to implement code specific to your application. SetAppInfo - required global info about your app bValidDbase - whatever YOUR test for a valid database is CreateAppDbase - code to create your app's database ToolbarActon - define what actions your toolbar does You can ignore the remaining forms/modules, but a short description of each one follows: FABOUT.FRM This form is the standard About box. FDUMMY.FRM This form is used by the error handler. FEDDBASE.FRM Everything is handled for you automatically in this form. Just specify the table and it will allow add/editing/deleting of records , presenting the data to the user via a list box. The user is presented with two tab-cards. The first shows a list box filled with data from the specified column of your table. The second card allows the user to specify search and matching criteria which will limit the displayed records. Whilst data is being added to the listbox the user can stop the process and perhaps set search criteria to select the data they are interested in. If the amount of retrieved data exceeds the limits of the list box, the user is informed and can adjust the retrieval criteria. It will not display (or allow editing) of any auto- incrementing fields (i.e. the Counter datatype commonly used as a key in Access databases). In addition, if you have set up your the table such that instead of deleting records, they are simply marked as deleted then it will automatically do this for you when the user deletes a record. To implement this the column used to flag the record as deleted must be of type Boolean and must have the string "DELETE" in its name (case insensitive). FVALIDATE.FRM This form is used to hold validation routines for database saves. When the fEdDbase form is about to do a save, it changes the text controls on this form: It sets txtTable to the name of the table being edited and txtFields to a tab-separated list of the field values that have been entered and need to be validated. To validate the values, put your own code in the changed event of the txtFields object with a Case statement for each txtTable that your app uses. If you make any changes to the text in txtFields these will automatically be reflected in the editing form. For example if you put the following in the Changed event: txtFields.Text = UCase(txtFields.Text) then all your data will be saved in upper case. If you wish to CANCEL the save then just set the txtFields.Text to "" FUSAGE.FRM This form is the standard 'nag' screen so beloved of shareware authors. It is displayed automatically if you set a global flag. CONSTANT.BAS Required constant declarations. CTL3D.BAS Implements 3d dialogs. Ctl3d_start - begin using 3d dialogs Ctl3d_end - Quit using 3d dialogs DoesCtl3DExist - check for Ctl3Dv2.Dll DATABASE.BAS Contains functions used in database operations. ERROR.BAS This module manages error handling. FILEXIST.BAS This module contains only one function - which is to test for the existence of a file. FORMS.BAS This module contains functions to manage forms. HELPTIP.BAS Contains a single function to manage the toolbar helptips. LISTBOX.BAS This contains functions related to listboxes. MAIN.BAS Manages the application framework. Main() must be called as the startup routine. PERFTAB.BAS This is an implementation of PerfectTAB 1.0 which is Freeware, Copyright "bytes & letters"' hilger software technology, postfach 16 27, 66716 Saarlouis, Germany. No charge is made for inclusion of this piece of code. It is included as an example of the many ways available of implementing tabbed dialogs. STRING.BAS Contains string handling functions. SYSTEM.BAS Contains system related functions. ========================================================== DISCLAIMER ========================================================== Although we have taken every reasonable effort to ensure the quality of the code, we cannot be held responsible for any consequences following its use, nor warranty its fitness for purpose. ========================================================== ADVERTISEMENT! ========================================================== Are you looking for a helpdesk system? Or does your company want to track and monitor the progress of any work activity? We market a system which could be of interest to you: PROGRESS Features ----------------- * Maintain customer address and contact details. * Classify jobs into categories. * Transfer of jobs between users. * Full audit trail of what actions were taken and by whom. * Prioritisation of jobs. * Specify target completion dates. * Real-time monitoring of all jobs with optional alarm. * Flexible querying tool to report and monitor on all jobs or only those jobs which meet a particular set of criteria. * Sort jobs according to customer, logged date, target date, priority etc. * Flexible reports: Jobs per Category, Jobs per Customer, Overdue vs On-target, Frequency of jobs etc. * Multiple jobs databases - so you could maintain one for help-desk, one for orders etc. * Full, on-line, context sensitive help. PROGRESS is available for download from the Business section of the Windows Shareware forum on Compuserve. GO WINSHARE then Search using our Contributor ID of 100444,623.